Application Procedures for VHA Research Projects

Application Procedures for VHA Research Projects
VHA requires a thorough review for all research projects to evaluate and approve the protocol for both scientific and ethical merits. Proposals are assessed by experts in the field for its purpose, methodology, relevance of results to the clinical field, assessment of the risks versus benefits, protection of privacy and confidentiality, as well as inclusion of informed consent. When applying to VHA to collaborate on a research project, you must complete the following steps:
  • Review and complete:
    • VHA’s Research and Ethics Review Application Cover Sheet
    • VHA’s Research and Ethics Proposal Guidelines and include all relevant forms/materials
  • Submit the original and three (3) copies of your application to: Sandra McKay Co-Chair, Research Ethics Committee VHA Rehab Solutions 700 Lawrence Ave. W, Suite 360 Toronto, Ontario, M6A 3B4
Your application will undergo a feasibility review to determine whether VHA has the type of population, sample size, adequate timelines and service provider and administrative resources to collaborate with your research. If your proposal is accepted, either with or without revisions, it will go forward for either an expedited or general review.
Approvals from other organizations such as Universities, the Community Care Access Centres (CCAC’s), Schools Boards, WSIB, may also be necessary for the proposal to be accepted.
If your research proposal successfully completed an Ethics Review with another organization, please submit the copies of the Certificate of Approval from that organization with your application
Expedited Review
In some cases, VHA’s Research Ethics Committee (REB) may conduct an expedited review. Please note that full review is the default requirement for all research involving human subjects. Depending on the nature of the proposal, some categories of research confidently expected to involve minimal risk may qualify for expedited review.
General Review
In such cases, the REB will review your proposal. You will then be informed if your proposal has been:
  • Approved
  • Approved – minor revisions
  • Approved – major revisions
  • Not approved
If revisions are necessary, you must resubmit your application with the required changes.
If the proposal does not require revisions, reviews are completed within five weeks of receiving the proposal application.
You will receive written notification of the status of your application and information on a contact person at VHA.
Eco Sober House:  recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.