Funding Options
In Ontario, many palliative care services are covered through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) and begun by a referral from your doctor for palliative care. If referred for home care services, a Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Care Co-ordinator will determine services you or a loved one are eligible for. While some of these may be covered by OHIP, you may find there are gaps or a need for greater financial and care resources. Below are some additional options to consider.
Paediatric Funding Agencies for clients under 18 years old Ontario
Ability Online
Equipment grants for qualifying members (parents) of the online community.
Basic Eligibility
Grant recipients are children with disabilities or chronic illnesses under 18 years of age. Must be a member of online community prior to initiating a request.
Next Steps
For more information please see website
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)
Program helps parents with some of the extra costs of caring for a child who has a severe disability. Parents can get between $25 and $440 a month for:
- travel to doctors and hospitals
- special shoes and clothes
- parental relief
- wheelchair repairs
- assistive devices
- hearing aids
- hearing aid batteries
- prescription drugs
- dental care
- eyeglasses.
How much a family receives will depend on:
- the family’s income
- the severity of the disability
- the costs related to the disability.
Basic Eligibility
A parent or a legal guardian whose child: is under 18 years of age, lives at home, and has a severe disability. This program is income tested.
Next Steps
Contact your local regional office and ask for an application form.
Toronto Regional office
375 University Avenue
5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 1G1
Tel: (416) 325-0500
Fax: (416) 325-0565
TTY: (416) 325-3600
For more information visit the Website
Check off ACSD box on ADP forms.
Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
Government program that provides support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities. Provides access to assistive devices that meet individuals’ basic needs.
Funding available for:
- Assistive devices
- Mobility device
Basic Eligibility
Ontario residents with a valid Ontario Health Card who have a physical disability of 6 months or longer.
ADP will not pay for equipment available under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) or to Group “A” Veterans for their pensioned conditions.
Funding through the Central Equipment Pool for High Technology Wheelchairs (CEP) if eligible (Shoppers Home Healthcare only).
Next Steps
For more information on ADP, please visit the Website
Client must be assessed by a healthcare professional who is an authorizer. Authorizer must complete application form.
Canadian Paraplegic Association of Ontario (Spinal Cord Injury Ontario)
May provide assistance with funding for medical equipment or renovations.
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
- Home modifications
Basic Eligibility
Individuals with spinal cord injury may be eligible for funding.
Next Steps
Email address:
City of Toronto Hardship Fund
May provide assistance with funding for medical equipment/assistive devices for individuals with limited income.
List of devices can be found here.
Basic Eligibility
Applicants must gather required documents and provide tax information
Phone interview must be conducted and eligibility determined by a case worker before in-person interview can take place.
Assistive devices (bathroom) must be provided by Able Home Healthcare.
An occupational therapist (or healthcare professional) prescription letter is required.
Next Steps
For more information visit the website
To apply call: 416-397-0330
Easter Seals Society
Provides programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities across Ontario. Possible maximum of $3,000 for all equipment/service requests per client per year. Funding year runs Jan-Sept.
Batteries, repairs and replacement parts are not funded.
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
- Home modifications
Basic Eligibility
Funded items must be authorized by a healthcare professional.
is required.
Next Steps
Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit
“a permanent, refundable personal income tax credit for seniors and family members who live with them.”
Basic Eligibility
You need to be:
- 65 years old or older by the end of the year for which you are claiming the credit; or
- living with a family member who is a senior
- Individuals at all income levels are eligible
Next Steps
Holland Bloorview Family Support Fund
Offers financial support to Holland Bloorview families during a time of transition or stress. It may support family accommodations at Holland Bloorview, equipment, recreation and life skills programs, modifications to home or car, medications or respite.
Basic Eligibility
- Be a registered client and have had a medical appointment with Holland Bloorview in the two years prior
- Be under the age of 19
- Funding maximum is $1000.00 per client, per year (April 1st, 2015 to March 31st, 2016)
- Applications submitted in the months of February and March will be held until April 1
- The maximum level of funding will not be available to all of our applicants
Next Steps
Application form is available online
Insurance companies
e.g. health insurance through workplace, health insurance through credit card, etc.
Basic Eligibility
Each insurance plan will have different requirements and benefits. Some may cover costs of medical equipment.
Next Steps
Check your insurance plan or go to the company’s website.
Jennifer Ashleigh Children’s Charity
Assist seriously ill children and their families with therapies, respite funding, emergency expenses (food, rent, transportation).
Basic Eligibility
The need for financial assistance must be incurred directly as a result of the child’s illness or disability.
The child must be:
- diagnosed by a Canadian Medical Practitioner.
- be 18 years or younger.
- Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant and be a permanent resident of Ontario.
- The family’s combined gross annual household income must be $60,000 or less.
Next Steps
Phone: (905) 852-1799 x32
Application form is available online
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
ODSP helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
- Batteries and repairs
Basic Eligibility
Individuals may be eligible for ODSP if
- are 18 years of age or older
- live in Ontario
- are in financial need, and
- are a person with a disability as defined under the ODSP Act.
Next Steps
Check off ODSP box on ADP forms
- Request for funding has to go through Client Social Services or case-worker.
- Occupational Therapist needs to send a quote and letter of rationale to Client Social Services (or occasionally case-worker)
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP)
OFCP is a non profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting people with cerebral palsy (CP) in Ontario.
May provide financial assistance for the following:
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
- Batteries and repairs
Basic Eligibility
Funding for individuals with Cerebral Palsy of all ages who are members of OFCP.
Next Steps
Ontario March of Dimes (Assistive Devices Program)
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) of the March of Dimes assists adults with physical disabilities who are in financial need to purchase assistive devices to increase their mobility and functional independence.
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Basic Eligibility
Applicants must:
- be 19 years of age or older
- have an ongoing physical limitation that requires the use of an assistive device.
- be in financial need (refer to the Income Eligibility chart)
- be a permanent resident of Ontario
Next Steps
Ontario March of Dimes – Home and Vehicle Modification Program (HVMP)
Funding for home and/or vehicle modifications for individuals with disabilities that restrict their mobility and prevent them from living safely in their homes. Maximum $15 000 lifetime. Funds are for accessibility and bathroom modifications including installing a main floor washroom.
- Home modifications
Basic Eligibility
Encourage individuals to look for other funding first
Individual must be:
- A permanent Ontario resident
- A person with a substantial impairment caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness that is ongoing and/or recurring and is expected to last one year or more.
- The impairment impedes mobility and results in substantial restriction in activities of daily living.
Next Steps
Email Address:
Ontario Works (OW)
OW is a social assistance program that provides money and help finding employment.
Basic Eligibility
Individuals may be eligible for OW if:
- live in Ontario
- need money right away to help pay for food and housing costs, and
- be willing to take part in activities that will help you find a job.
- Children may be eligible for equipment funding if their parent(s) are on OW
Next Steps
- Check off OW box on ADP forms
- Request for funding has to go through Client Social Services or the case-worker
- Occupational Therapist needs to send a quote and letter of rationale to Client Social Services or occasionally the case worker
Special Services at Home (SSAH)
Ontario government program that helps families who are caring for a child with a developmental or physical disability. Pays for respite funding and/or funding for a worker to assist the child with personal growth and development.
Basic Eligibility
The amount of money a family receives depends on the child’s needs, what other help is available in the community and supports currently in place for the family. This program is NOT income tested.
Next Steps
- Contact your local regional office with any questions. Toronto Regional office375 University Avenue
5th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 1G1Tel: (416) 325-0500
Fax: (416) 325-0565
TTY: (416) 325-3600Website
Simple Comforts Fund (VHA)
The “Simple Comforts Fund” for urgent client assistance is available for staff to purchase a product or service on behalf of a client at their own discretion and with the client’s consent.
Basic Eligibility
Intended as a one-time use fund to address an urgent or emergent client need (e.g., repair of a broken light, purchase of food or home safety equipment)
For reimbursements in excess of $100, the employee/service provider must complete an expense report and attach the original receipt.
Disbursements of more than $1,000 would be considered only in exceptional circumstances and must be approved by the Senior Manager/Vice President.
Next Steps
- VHA Policy here
- Complete the Simple Comfort Fund Request Check List
- Cheque Request Form
Community Service Clubs
e.g. Shrine Clubs, Optimist Clubs, War Veterans, Royal Canadian Legion
Basic Eligibility
Most service clubs do not have established programs for funding medical equipment but as a last resort will often help out people who have exhausted other avenues of funding and are still short of the total needed
Next Steps
Look online or in Yellow Pages for community service clubs in your Community.
Canadian Hearing Society
A charitable agency and the leading provider of services, products, and information that remove barriers to communication, advance hearing health, and promote equity for people who are culturally Deaf, oral deaf, deafened and hard of hearing.
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Next Steps
Central Association of Kinsmen Clubs/Kin Canada/Association of Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs
Service club organizations that work to better their communities, enhance the well-being of Canadians and improve the environment.
- Home modifications
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Basic Eligibility
Some assistance may be available to club members.
Next Steps
If you are a member of a Kinsmen Club, contact your club for more information.
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada
A health charity that aims to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery.
- Home modifications
Next Steps
(416) 489-7111
International Association of Lions Clubs
Service club organization that may provide financial assistance for home modifications or assistive devices.
- Home modifications
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Basic Eligibility
Some assistance may be available to club members.
Next Steps
If you are a member of a Lions Club, contact your club for more information.
Kiwanis Club
Global organization of clubs dedicated to helping children and communities based on the community’s needs.
Basic Eligibility
Some assistance may be available to club members.
Next Steps
If you are a member of a Kiwanis Club, contact your club for more information.
Knights of Columbus
Club formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Basic Eligibility
Some assistance may be available to club members.
Next Steps
If you are a member of the Knights of Columbus, contact your club for more information.
Muscular Dystrophy Canada
Organization dedicated to raising awareness and educating people about neuromuscular disease. Loan pool and may provide assistance with funding for equipment for those with MD.
- Home modifications
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Basic Eligibility
- Max. contribution per item: $2,640
- Client minimum contribution: $200.00
- Equipment costing less than $200 is not eligible – You must be a registered client of Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
- Muscular Dystrophy Canada will not issue reimbursements. Be sure to complete the application process and receive approval from the office, prior to purchasing the item
Next Steps
Funding requests must include:
- A completed application form
- Quotes from 2 different equipment vendors
- A signed equipment prescription from the appropriate licensed health care professional such as: an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, respiratory therapist, orthotist, physiatrist or podiatrist
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Provides services to people with multiple sclerosis and their families and funds research to find the cause and cure for this disease. Loan pool and may provide assistance with funding for equipment for those with MS.
- Home modifications
- Assistive devices
- Mobility devices
Basic Eligibility
Funding eligibility varies from province to province – check the website for more information.
Depending on chapter location there may be a loan pool or potential funding assistance to put towards costs of ADL/mobility equipment, home modifications.
Next Steps
Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities (RRAP-D) (Canadian Mortgage & Housing Corporation – CMHC)
Offers financial assistance to First Nations and First Nation members to undertake accessibility work to modify dwellings occupied or intended for occupancy by low-income persons with disabilities.
Five-year forgivable loan (Maximum $15 000 lifetime). Funds are for minor renovations such as installing hand rails, grab bars, extra lighting, etc. Home value must be less than $400 000 and household income must be less than $55 000.
- Home modifications
Basic Eligibility
First Nations or individual First Nation members that require repairs to their homes may be eligible to apply. The total household income must be at or below the established income threshold for their area and the property must meet minimum health and safety standards.
Next Steps
Client or family must complete a telephone screen interview to access funding assistance.
Rotary Clubs/Rotary International
Together, Rotary clubs, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation work to make lasting improvements in our communities and around the world.
- Home modifications
Basic Eligibility
Some assistance may be available to club members.
Next Steps
If you are a member of a Rotary Club, contact your club for more information.
Sunshine Foundation
Sunshine Foundation’s sole purpose is to answer the dreams of chronically ill, seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children.
Basic Eligibility
Have a severe physical disability or a life-threatening illness
– Be between the age of seven to 18th birthday and have at least the cognitive ability of a three-year-old
– Live in Canada
– Be able to formulate his or her dream (this must be the dream of the child) and communicate the dream with or without technical assistance
– Have not already received a dream or wish from a similar organization
Next Steps
War Amputations of Canada
Children with amputations may be eligible for financial assistance for prosthetic limbs, recreational limbs and travel to prosthetic centres.
Next Steps
Funding Resources for Paediatric Clients 18 years and Older
Private Insurance
Access any private insurance the family may have.
Government Programs
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Provide family with website information to apply online or to make an appointment for an interview for ODSP through local office
- If the child receives ACSD they will generally be automatically be switched over to ODSP
- For ADP funded pieces of equipment identify on the ADP application that the client receives ODSP and then equipment will be paid fully up to ADP maximum amounts
- For other equipment fax vendor quote and letter of support to Janet Collie at 416-392-9909
- Janet Collie can be reached at 416-392-8955 if you are unsure whether a piece of equipment is eligible for funding
- Items eligible for funding include: hoyer lifts, hospital beds and mattresses (some restrictions on how many times they can receive a bed/mattress), bathroom equipment, smaller pieces of equipment such as handheld shower/non slip bath mat.
They do not fund ceiling track, porch lifts or ramps, or chairs.
Hardship fund
- For those not on ODSP
- Run by the city to support those with very low incomes who cannot purchase necessary safety equipment
- Covers the same equipment as ODSP (see list above)
- Interview process
- Family must show banking information (including savings and RRSPs) to show that at the end of the month they do not have enough money to purchase the equipment
- Call 1-888-465-4478 to set up interview
- Give family vendor quote and letter of support to provide to worker at interview
- Will generally only consider larger amounts of funding (over $300)
Charitable Programs
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP)
- Provide funding for remainder amounts on ADP funded equipment, bathroom equipment, ramps, communication devices, porch lifts, ceiling track, hospital beds
- Complete application form and provide quotes and a letter of support
- Must be registered as a member of OFCP
Ontario March of Dimes (OMOD)
- They have two programs with a lifetime maximum of $15,000
- Home and Vehicle modification program:
– For larger home or vehicle renos
– Must already own van
– Income is factored into amount that program will pay using a sliding scale
– Many home renovation companies will assist the family in completing these forms as they do not require a letter of support from an OT
- Assistive Devices program (separate program from provincial ADP program)
- Fund bathroom equipment, chairs, remainder amounts on ADP funded equipment (read instructions carefully when applying for remainder amounts as application will be rejected if you do not follow the proper process)
- They DO NOT fund hospital beds or mattresses
- Program is income tested and cut-offs are firm
- Income cut-offs:
1 person $23, 658
2 people $28, 039
3 people $34, 372
4 people $41, 180
- Complete application form on website to confirm eligibility and submit
- OMOD will send a second form to be completed and then you will return with letter of support and vendor quotes
- Generally fund smaller amounts
MS/ALS Society
- Have equipment loan cupboards and some funding resources
- Clients must have this diagnosis
– Under healthcare providers section choose ‘equipment’ and can review items that are covered and download application form
- MS society
– Choose Toronto chapter or Scarborough Chapter and application for funding is under ‘Funding Assistance’
Thomas J Johnston Foundation
- Will fund for most small items up to $500
- Send quote and letter of support
- Phone: 416-787-9802 Peggy
- Fax: 416-787-9206
- 196 Brooke Ave, North York, M5N 2K6
Simple Comforts Fund
- VHA fund for items that cannot be funded elsewhere (equipment or other small items)
- Send letter of support and quote to your manager